Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Typical Post-Auction Foreclosure Challenge

For a example of how foreclosures might be challenged where the auction has already occurred, check out this Naples News article.  Apparently, the borrower is challenging the adequacy of the price--and as a twist, the auction purchaser's ability to effectuate the purchase based on the lack of a business receipts license,


  1. Attempts to resolve the foreclosure crisis have sparked government programs, lender initiatives, and multiple lawsuits.

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  2. That poor woman. It is amazing that all of the banks these days are such large corporations that have no face to them anymore. I am sure that she gave all the correct documentation when it was needed, but Wells Fargo intentionally misplaced them. I had something similar happen to me with Bank of America, they offered to work with me and refinance. When I put the modification through, they claimed that I was late, and that the offer was no longer available. So I went and got myself an attorney-Francis S. Hallinan Esq- and set out to get that offer back. Less than two weeks later, the original offer was back on the table, and the bank was apologizing profusely.
