Saturday, July 7, 2012

First-Time Home Buyers Held Back

While the residential real estate market has stabilized and even heated up, first-time buyers have been held back because of tighter lending standards.  Some suggest applying for conventional instead of FHA mortgage because there is less red tape.

Florida Office Real Estate Market Recovering

Office real estate is coming back in South Florida as an investment.  According to CNBC, the market most experiencing an increase is in Southeast Florida.  It is unclear from the article whether the Southwest is experiencing a recovery as well.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Demand Increases for Downtown Ft. Myers Condos

The Fort Myers downtown condo towers are heating up.  According to the News-Press, demand has increased significantly since January.  For example, High Point Place is up to 90% occupancy.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Harlem Heights Cultural Center Design Finished

The design for the new Harlem Heights Cultural Arts Community Center has been completed.  According to the News-Press, the features include a 250-seat performing arts center, outdoor amphitheater, and walking/ biking trails.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

An Introduction

Welcome!  This is the blog for real estate and construction in Southwest Florida.  This blog is a publication of the law firm of Holtz Mahshie DeCosta, P.A.  a real estate and commercial litigation firm with offices in Fort Myers, Punta Gorda and Sanibel, Florida.  We look forward to interacting with the community on matters germane to the real estate and construction industry in Southwest Florida.